Friday, July 24, 2015

Franklin Falls

The kids first real hike.  Franklin Falls.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

4th of July

We celebrated the 4th of July at our usual spot, Tulare Beach, at Great-grandparents house.  The weather was so warm this year, we actually went swimming.  We stayed the weekend and Auntie Sidney stayed too.  She even camped out in the tent with Jacob and Evie on the 3rd.  When we asked her how it went, she said "there were a lot of fireworks!"  Needless to say she didn't get much sleep.

Ready for the fireworks.  For the week leading up to the 4th, Jacob said he was going to sit with Auntie Sidney.  Previous years the kids cowered inside during the fireworks crying and cringing at every bang.  This year we tried noise canceling headphones, which worked well and all the kids watched fireworks outside with us.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Fun in Minnesota

Last month, spur of the moment, as in 1 week before we left, I decided to fly to MN to visit my sister.  I talked my mom into coming too.  And it was so much fun.  The kids had a blast!
Playing in the cud-de-sac

Bed time stories with Maya
 The river in Stillwater

 Fun at Teddy Bear Park

Sand and water at Lake Elmo

 Snuggles with Grandma
 Rides at the Mall of America

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Crazy Sunscreen Hair

We love summer!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


We have had fun getting into geocaching recently.  We have been "treasure hunting" five times and are 5 for 5 in finding the treasure.  The kids enjoy it, especially Jacob, but are often disappointed when the treasure doesn't contain toys.  Here are a few of our outings.

The climbing wall at Marymoore Park.


The velodrome at Marymoore Park.


The tree at Westside Park.