And, wow, this is quite complicated. I sure do miss Microsoft right about now.
Tool set from Auntie Keri, Uncle Ian, Alec and Max.
New T-ball set from Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa.
More power tools from Mom and Dad.
He also received a rolling backpack and new cars from Grandma Jo and a quilt for his big boy bed from Grandma and Grandpa Field. He also has quite the growing coin collection with the addition of the 2011 US mint (from Poppy and Nana) and a silver coin from Auntie Sidney.
And more gifts arrived tonight from Auntie Gretchen, Uncle Aaron, Maggie and Maya in Minnesota.
A car puzzle, a new shirt, stickers, coloring books, markers and big crayons.
Thanks everyone for making this birthday so special for Jacob!
Happy 2nd birthday to our little boy! I can’t believe he is 2 already.
He can jump, run, gallop, climb, forward roll, log roll, and his newest is a running jump from one foot to two.
He still loves books and picks a favorite and sticks with it for a few weeks. His current favorites are: Corduroy, My first ABC board book, Whirrly, and My first Christmas board book.
He is a great helper especially putting things in the trash, watering the plants, picking up his toys (most of the time), helping with Evie, and taking clothes from the dryer to the couch.
He is obsessed with anything that goes “round and round.” ie. fans, windmills, wheels….
He loves his little sister. His favorite new thing is playing in Evie’s crib. Jumping, rolling and bouncing around, especially with Evie in the crib too. And she loves it.
He is wearing size 18month clothes (pants and shirts), 2T jammies, and size 6-7 shoe.
His favorite foods are blueberries, strawberries, oatmeal, peanut butter and jam sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, chips, and cheerios.
He goes to bed around 7:30-8pm without a peep and wakes around 7:30am and take an afternoon nap of ~2 hours.
He is speaking in sentences and copying/repeating everything we say.
He can recognize numbers 0-9 and all 26 letters.
Today I took the kids on an adventure (wagon ride down the hill) to the field down on our property.
Jacob spied the tractor across the field and couldn’t get enough.
It was fun.
Jacob has started saying “I need…” this week. Here is what I have heard today:
I need bubbles.
I need bubble juice.
I need keys.
I need up.
I need milk.
I need ball.
I need eat.
I need help.
I need outside.
I need legos.
I need “Super Why”.
I need books.
I need new book.
We have 2 little birthdays coming up. Jacob will be turning 2 and Evie, 1.
I decided to make birthday shirts. (I always see these at the stores and am so temped to buy one cause they are so cute, but then I think how easy it would be to make one. Right? Right!)
The hardest part was finding plain colored shirts. I found mine at Target.
Here is how I made the shirts:
1. Print out the number that you want.
2. Cut the number out of fabric using the printer template.
3. Pin on the shirt where you like it.
4. Sew on the shirt using a zig-zag stitch.
That was it for Jacob’s shirt.
On the other hand, Evie’s shirt was a bit more difficult. The fabric was either much softer or much stretcher or both and kept bunching up when trying to sew. I didn’t have any iron on interfacing (and I see now why this important to use) so I found the next best thing around the house…freezer paper. I just ironed on a piece to the inside of the shirt to stiffen it up and then I sewed the number on with a zig-zag stitch.
Then I just peeled the paper off as it was already perforated from sewing. There is a bit of paper left on where the stitching is.
Either it will just be a bit uncomfortable (it’s the sacrifice we make for cuteness) to wear or it will come off in the wash. Hopefully it will come off in the wash.
Now I can’t wait for their birthday’s!
I can’t believe I am halfway through with this pregnancy already. I am starting to show and I have started to feel the baby move this week.
We had our 20 week ultrasound today.
It’s a ……
…baby! We decided to wait to find out the sex.
I am feeling well. Everything with the baby seems to be normal.
December feels like a long way off still, but I know it will come quickly!
I made my first batch of play dough yesterday and this morning we played with it. I used the recipe I found here.
Jacob didn’t really do much playing. And we didn’t play for very long but it was fun. We practiced shapes, numbers and big vs. small.
Evie is now eleven months old and has really blossomed in the last few weeks.
She now has 2 teeth coming in on the bottom.
She is crawling all over the place.
She is starting to mimic sounds.
She is standing at toys or chairs and cruising a little.
She is eating pureed foods, puffs, cheerios and graham crackers.
She loves her big brother. She has a huge smile when she sees him and loves playing with him. Especially when he plays peek-a-boo with her.
She is taking 2 naps a day of 1-2 hrs each and sleeps ~11 hrs at night.
She is wearing 9mo onesies, 6-12 mo pants and 12 mo shirts. Size 3 diapers.
She is smiley and happy most of the time, except when she is hungry or tired.
She loves bubbles.
She loves swings.
Nesting has kicked in to full gear. I am sewing up a storm. A few things for me/baby, a few things for friends having babies, and a few things to get my etsy site ready. It also helps that I have had only one child for the last 2 days as my parents took Jacob for a few days. I even have aspirations of cleaning my washing machine after seeing this post on how to do it.
I wonder how long it will last…