Our first night was pretty good. Noah gave us a few good stretches of sleep (wish I could say the same for the nurses, blood draw, doctors, and everyone else who came into our room). I wish I could say the same for the second night in which he was pretty fussy and was a totally different baby. We barely got any sleep until around 5:30am when he finally burped, and then we were all able to get some sleep. I had a bit of a melt down that morning after being exhausted and in pain. But was finally able to get a few hours of rest and felt much better. We were discharged yesterday and got home around 9pm last night. Noah was pretty fussy for the first half of the night but after feeding at 2:30am, he slept until 4am, ate and then slept until 10am! And so did we.
I am doing well, as well as can be expected. I am having more pain this time around then I remember the last 2 times. I trying to take it easy and rely on Devin. We we had a nice quite day and got a little extra sleep. Now gearing up for the day to day with 3 kiddo's.