It's quite a small little house and Devin painted it the color of the house so you can barely see it.
Friday, May 29, 2009
We are Going Batty!
It's quite a small little house and Devin painted it the color of the house so you can barely see it.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
G Sale!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
26 Weeks - Our Little Chuck
No, we have not decided to name the baby Chuck. But this week our baby is about the size of a 2lb chuck roast and is measuring around 9inches crown to rump. This week our baby's eyes are beginning to open. The eyelids have been fused closed previously allowing the retina to develop. Our baby can see light and will likely move around if exposed to a bright light or loud sound (though we haven't tested this). Interestingly, if something happened and our baby arrived now, he/she would have a good chance of survival.
I am still feeling well. I am continuing to have a little heartburn, though Tums is taking care of that. My belly button is getting very shallow and my belly is starting to itch a little. Overall, just cruising along, waiting anxiously to meet this little one.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Gorgeous! Simply gorgeous!
Gorgeous! Simply gorgeous!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
25 Weeks - Our Little Eggplant
This week our little one is weighing in at just over 1.5 lbs and around 9in in length. Our baby's capillaries are now forming under the skin and filling with blood. Our baby's lungs are maturing and the nostrils are now starting to open up so our baby can "practice" breathing. And our baby's vocal cords are functioning now. I am sure he/she is just waiting to make their presence known.
I am starting to have more aches and pains but can't complain. I can't believe I am already 6mo along. I am in total nesting mode. Feeling very anxious wanting to get "stuff" for the baby. I have also painted the nursery (yes I painted, with windows open, fans blowing, mask and gloves on). I just couldn't wait any longer, I just wanted to get it done. I am still not quite finished and will be posting pictures soon. Keep your fingers crossed that it will look as good as it does in my mind. Also yesterday I registered at Babies R Us and I am also registered at Target and a few items at Amazon. So if you just want to give the baby a gift or want to get a head start on a shower gift, I am not going to stop you!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Cloth Diapering
Monday, May 18, 2009
Not Me! Monday
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
24 Weeks - Our little Letter (B for baby)
This week our little one is about the size of a standard sized letter envelope at about 8.5 inches and 1.5 pounds. Our baby is accumulating more fat, growing organs, bones and muscle. Our little one is gaining about 6oz per week now. Also our baby's face is almost fully formed with eyelashes, eyebrows and hair. Right now our baby's hair is white as a ghost as there is no pigment in the hair yet.
I am feeling great. Starting to get a little uncomfortable, back ache and heartburn. Our baby is moving around quite a bit. We can even see my belly moving. We tried to capture it on video but you can't see too much yet. Maybe soon.
We had another doctor appointment this morning. Our baby's heart beat was 140 and my uterus measured 24cm. Everything is progressing as normal, except for the partial placenta previa. We will have another ultrasound in 4 weeks to see if the placenta moves up.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Happy 30th Birthday!
1. He makes me laugh so hard I cry
2. He makes me smile every time he flares his nostrils
3. He always opens the door for me
4. He prays to Jesus
5. He knows a lot about computers
6. He is a hard worker
7. He has a job
8. He always makes me take the first bite of a meal
9. He likes cuddling
10. He is so handsome
11. He likes holding my hand
12. He does the dishes after I cook a meal
13. He is clean
14. He traded his better car for my older car
15. He is excited to be a Daddy
16. He likes to play games
17. He takes the trash out
18. He kills all the spiders
19. He gives me massages
20. He prays for our family every night
21. He likes to play cards
22. He likes to have fun
23. He holds me when I cry
24. He goes on walks with me
25. He makes up lyrics to songs with my name
26. He likes to travel
27. He likes it that I am crafty
28. He thinks I am beautiful
29. He provides for our family
30. He loves me
Happy Birthday Devin! I love you!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
23 Weeks
(Still at the papaya picture.*)
This week our baby is around 8 inches long and weighing just over a pound. Our baby's skin is growing fast and is a bit saggy and loose. The skin is waiting for the fat to come in and fill it out. Right now our baby is a bit see-through but that will be changing as the fat forms. Over the course of this month, our baby will be packing it on and will double his/her weight.
I am starting to feel pregnant. I feel like I am getting big. I find myself looking in the mirror or the windows as I walk around just to see my belly. I can hardly believe it is me. My co-workers keep reassuring me that I do indeed look pregnant and not just fat. Devin got to feel our baby move for the first time last week! It's pretty cool. Our baby is quite active, moving around all the time. I think I even saw my belly move the other night with a big kick.
*The pictures of the baby size and the book we are reading don't match up to well with weeks/months.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Not Me! Monday
Monday again. A little free therapy of things I did not do this week.
To start I did not accidently leave the camera outside after taking some pics of our yard. It did not rain heavily and the camera is not broken. Not me! I always take good care of my things.
I did not secretly eat the last hershey chocolate bar while Devin was working in the yard.
I have not been checking craigslist every 15-30min looking for a BOB stroller for around $100. Now way, not me. I don't have time for such things. (If anyone has a BOB stroller for $100....)
I am not throughly enjoying my husband's birthday coming up next monday as he will be turning 30! He does not rub it in at all that he is still in his 20's while I am in my 30's.
Another Monday flying by. Not Me! Monday was created by MckMama, you can check out what she and everyone has been up to week here.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Yard Work
Devin carrying the cut trees
Devin cutting down a oversized half dead bush
We are doing a lot of work so more pictures to come.