My baby boy is 2. 2! How does that happen! This little busy boy sure does keep us on our toes. He has such a fun personality and get away with too much because he is just so darn cute I can't resist that little face.
A little more about our Noah:
Height: 31.25inches (5th %tile)
Weight: 23 pounds ( 5th %tile)
Favorite foods: Blueberries, honey chex, goldfish crackers, ice cream, cake, grapes, milk, peanut butter M&M's.
Favorite toys: flashlights, cars, see-saw, anything electronic, and usually anything anyone else is playing with
He wears a size ~18months, size 5 shoe, and size 4 diaper
He is so loud almost all the time.
He loves his brother and sister and wants to do EVERYTHING they are doing.
He loves to run and jump and jump off things.
He is independent but likes to check in and lay his head on my lap or leg every now and again.
He loves to be outside playing. His favorite is the swings.
He speaks very well. Says too many words to count and speaks in 4-5 word sentences.
He gets into everything. Much more so then either of the other two. He is a quick learner from watching them. He moves stools and chairs around to get on the counters and table.
He gets away with too much because he is so darn cute.
His favorite books are: Brown bear, brown bear, the hungry caterpillar, time for sleep in the deep.
He is such a joy, so energetic, always ready to play and laugh. We love him SO much and can't imagine our lives without him.