Friday, February 26, 2010


You might want to sit down for this.....

That's right we're pregnant! Jacob is a big brother and as you can see he is thrilled about it. We couldn't be more excited! It was a little sooner than we were expecting but once we found out, we can't imagine our lives without this new little one. We even got a sneak peak at the little one today at our first doctors appt. We could see the baby moving around, little arms and legs, the heart beat and the cord. It is so amazing. Here is our little peanut's first pictures:

Stay tooned for more datails and a new weekly update.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

6 Month Stats

Weight: 14 lbs 9oz (5-10th %tile)

Length: 25 7/8 inches (25th %tile)

Head Circumference: 42cm (10th %tile)
He just figured out how to sit up in the bouncer today. Good thing I had him strapped in cause he did fall over once. Opps.
Sitting up like a big boy.

Happy 6 Month Birthday!

Our little man turned 6 months old yesterday. Hard to believe he is 6 months already. Wow has he changed from the tiny 6lb 4oz, scrawny, could barely wake him up, baby. He is getting so big. He can sit by himself for 10-15 seconds before he falls over. He can stand by himself holding on to something, although he really hasn't figured out how to hold on yet. He is rolling all over the place. He is eating solid foods like a champ but is still spitting up a lot which is more disgusting now that he is eating. He is wearing 6mo or 6-9 mo clothes. He doesn't have any teeth yet but is working on some I think. He is very interested in the world around him, taking everything in. He likes all his toys but his attention span is decreasing. He is still taking 2-3 good naps during the day and is sleeping 8-9 hours at night. He is generally happy and smiling most of the time.

He has his 6mo doctor's appt tomorrow so will reports his stats then along with some pictures.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Little Bites

Jacob has gotten his first tastes of some real foods and he loves it. He is a champion eater. As my niece Maggie would say "he really pounds it down."

So far he has had rice cereal, sweet potatoes, peas (which he doesn't really like), and carrots. Next on the list is bananas, as soon as I make it to the store, and maybe squash.

I am making all the baby foods (just call me supermom...totally kidding!). It is pretty easy, just takes a little time.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine's Day

Devin and I celebrated and early Valentine's Day on a dinner cruise around lake Washington and lake union (thanks to a coupon from groupon. If you don't know what groupon is you should totally check it out. Yup we are groupie-on's!) It was on Thursday night, Auntie Sidney watched Jacob and Devin and I sailed around the lakes enjoying our 4 course dinner. A more accurate description would have been a 3 course dinner with an extra bite as the appetizer was a tiny mozzarella ball, smaller than a grape. Other than that is was a great time to enjoy just each other.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

...and We're Back!

Yup, we're back from the frozen ice land of Minneapolis, MN. Freezing is an understatement, it was below freezing there, although it did "warm up" to 20 degrees one day and Maya and I took advantage and played in the snow, sledding down the snow drifts and the giant pile of snow in the middle of the culd-a-sack.

We had a great time visiting my sister, brother-in-law and nieces and of course they soaked up the time with Jacob. Jacob did great on the plane both ways, which we were happy about. We didn't want to be those parents of the screaming baby annoying everyone.

Since it was so cold there we mostly stayed inside. We did venture out to an indoor zoo, target for cousin pictures, the Mall of America and of course to the girls gymnastics class.

We are glad to be back in the Northwest's warm February temps. No longer do we take "cold" Seattle temps for granted!

Pics coming soon!