I love garage sales, yard sales, estate sales and just about every other kind of sale. Last weekend Devin and I ventured out to a garage sale in Issaquah that advertised baby and maternity items. We made out like a bandit with a handful of baby clothes, games, maternity clothes, a snuggle me for the car seat and a Baby Bjorn. All for such a great deal. They had a ton more stuff, but I didn't want to get carried away. I love my new clothes and can't wait to use the baby things. Devin and I tried on the Baby Bjorn with a 10lb sack of flour. Gotta get practicing and building up our strength.
Teen Girl Bedroom Decor
4 months ago
Hey Callie, this is Becky (devin's cousin) I hope you have a baby shower! i love buying cute little stuff for babies! You and Devin should come down to lacey and visit my husband Mark and I. Devin hasn't met his newest cousin yet; my daughter savannah. We'd love to have you!
Love those sales too, I have scored so many great things for Justice, keep it up!!!