This week our little one is weighing in at just over 1.5 lbs and around 9in in length. Our baby's capillaries are now forming under the skin and filling with blood. Our baby's lungs are maturing and the nostrils are now starting to open up so our baby can "practice" breathing. And our baby's vocal cords are functioning now. I am sure he/she is just waiting to make their presence known.
I am starting to have more aches and pains but can't complain. I can't believe I am already 6mo along. I am in total nesting mode. Feeling very anxious wanting to get "stuff" for the baby. I have also painted the nursery (yes I painted, with windows open, fans blowing, mask and gloves on). I just couldn't wait any longer, I just wanted to get it done. I am still not quite finished and will be posting pictures soon. Keep your fingers crossed that it will look as good as it does in my mind. Also yesterday I registered at Babies R Us and I am also registered at Target and a few items at Amazon. So if you just want to give the baby a gift or want to get a head start on a shower gift, I am not going to stop you!
I loved getting ready for Justice to come into the world. I enjoyed painting, hanging up the decor, getting the crib sheets in.. so so much fun!!! Gosh it sounds like I want another.. haha not yet. But registering and nesting is a blast. Enjoy friend.. cannot wait to see pictures!!