It’s me Jacob again. I just got back from the doctors today and wanted to give you and update on my status. I am 19lbs 6oz, which is WAY more that my mom thought I weighed. I am so close to that 20lbs, I can almost taste it. I moved up from below the 5th percentile for weight to the 5-10th percentile. Woo-hoo! I am also 29inches tall, which continues to put me in the 25th percentile. I just hope that my little sister doesn’t get dad’s height and I get mom’s. I also had to get 4 shots which was NO FUN at all!
Hi everyone! It's me, Jacob.
Mom and Dad say it's my 1st birthday today. I guess it's a big deal cause there were lots of people here yesterday and I got to eat cake (Yum!) and open a few presents and I get to write this post. Wow! Mom was almost in tears remembering 1 year ago when I made my presence into this world. She says she can hardly believe I was that tiny baby in all the pictures they took of me that day!
Anyway, enough sappy stuff, here are some pictures from my party:
Even though I am going to be a big brother soon, Mom says I am still pretty little (I go to the doctor next week to get weighed) and she is wondering when I am going to start growing so I can be tall like Daddy. Patience mom, patience.
I am starting to get pickier about what foods I like and I just spit them out if I don't like it, though mom tries to make me eat it anyway and I try to obey. My favorites are yogurt, applesauce, spaghetti, meatballs in marinara sauce, grapes, bananas, blueberries, anything pureed pretty much, ritz crackers. I am not liking chicken or much grown up foods. I do only have 6 teeth (2 on the bottom, 4 on the top) you know, how much do you expect me to chew. I am sticking with baby foods for now.
I am getting pretty big though. I can walk on my own pretty good, although I can't stand up by myself. I just need something to pull up on and then I can really go. Cause I can walk now, I can also get into all sorts of good stuff like the kitchen garbage. I can also go up and down the stairs all by myself. I am getting good at turning around to go down and then I can pretty much just slide on my belly all the way down. It's pretty fun. Sometimes I just like to go up and down. Mom says it's a good workout for me and likes it cause it tires me out. I think I am pretty hot stuff and usually look around to make sure someone is watching me. And I am sticking closer to Mom these days and always like to be where she is.
Dad is always making me smile and laugh. He just does the silliest things, like jumping up and down, playing peek-a-boo, and swinging me upside down. Mom makes me laugh too when she says "I'm gonna get you!" I just start cracking up waiting for her to come. Mom says it makes her day. Mom also says I am becoming quite the “cheese ball".” Whatever that is.
I am really into "talking" these days. I can say all sorts of cool sounds that sound like dada, kitty cat, Jacob, good, yeah, hi. Dad thinks it's really funny when he says "mama" and I say "dada". Mom and dad have been discussing whether or not I have said my first word yet. Dad says yes "dada", mom says no, I am just making/imitating sounds. I am also really into books. I love turning the pages and looking at the pictures. And I am also into banging my toys together, or on the table or anything to make noise.
I got to go on my first international trip to Canada. It was pretty fun to ride on a boat and a bus. Sitting in a stroller wasn't my favorite but having daddy wear me in the Bjorn was great.
Oh I also got a new car seat. It's pretty cool, but I still have to sit backwards cause I don't weigh enough yet. Mom says I have to get to 20lbs to face forward. I am really looking forward to that day when I get to sit like a big boy!
What else about me…it is all about me right!? I am just about in12 month clothes. I usually take 2 naps a day still and sleep about 12 hours at night. Mom is trying to take away my bottles. I only get one at night now, which I have overheard her talking about taking that one away too. I am not sure how I am going to like that. I am also getting a new room, or so I have heard, I have yet to sleep in there
I am going to be a big brother in just about 2 weeks. Mom says I am going to be a great big brother. I get to go stay with Grandma and Grandpa for a few days while Mom and Dad are at the hospital.
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