Our baby boy turned one a few days ago. Celebration was pretty low key, singing Hhappy Birthday" and a Christmas cookie. Sorry little buddy. We are going to be planning a big birthday party in a week or two after we get our house put together and our drive way re-paved.
Here is a little bit about our one year old boy:
Height: 27 inches (less than the 2nd % tile)
Weight: 17 pounds 3 ounces (5th % tile)
Has 4 teeth (two on top, two on bottom) and almost 2 more (on top)
Took his first steps on Christmas Day
Eats like a champ, eating more than the other two, sometimes combined
Favorite foods: crackers, milk, cheese, oranges, bread, meatballs, peas, cheerios, and thinks he wants anything we are eating
Is so loud most of the time, keeping up with Jacob
Says uh-oh when he drops something, dada, tries to repeat words, babbles all the time
Happy and smiley most of the times, loves watching people, wants to do everything the big two are doing
Favorite toys: wood hammer and peg toy, putting things into something, being pushed on a ride on car, anything the big two are playing with (and vise versa)
Climbs on everything
Can climb up the stairs, but has not quite mastered going down stairs
Sleeps 11-12 hours at night, naps twice a day
Definitely has an opinion on what he wants to do and makes it known
Throws a tantrum when something is taken away or he is removed from someplace
Is a snuggler in the early morning
Still crawls with one knee and one foot
Is wearing size 3 diaper (4 at night), size 9mo clothes
Teen Girl Bedroom Decor
4 months ago
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