I wish I had an actual picture of our little one to show you, but not yet.
This week our baby is considered full term, though is still growing and gaining weight as the fat continues to accumulate. Our baby is also practicing for life on the outside, breathing amniotic fluid, sucking fingers and toes, blinking and wiggling around.
The doctors appointment this morning went well. I measured 37 cm which is right on track. I haven't gained any additional weight since last week. The doctor checked me and I am not dilated at all and she couldn't even feel our baby's head. It's safe to say our baby isn't coming anytime soon and I'll see the doctor again next week.
I am feeling more ready. We got the car seat and it is installed in the car. The crib mattress came today and is resting perfectly in the crib. I am trying not to be anxious about the birth as my body is perfectly made for this and our baby is perfectly made for us by our creator.
Teen Girl Bedroom Decor
4 months ago
I loved your last sentence. Its so true, beautiful and just right on! Cannot wait to hear the good news and find out what the baby's sex is.. driving me wild :)Hang in there and keep having fun as things arrive!!