Two weeks in a row, I'm on a roll.
I do not check Devin's belly button for lint. Nope. I just don't understand how it always has lint in it. I mean, where does it come from? Not me!
Devin and I have not started watching "Lost" (starting with season 1), you know, since this is the last season. We started at the beginning on hulu.com. 100+ episodes. Like we need something else to do. Nope not me!
We did not have cereal for dinner the other night at 8:00pm because I had a snack of kettle corn and chocolate milk at 4:30pm. Not me!
I do not have sheets sitting in the wash that do not need to be re-washed since they have been sitting in there for 2 days. Nope. And I do not have dry clothes in the dryer that have been in there for 3 days. Nope. And I do not just keep taking what I want out of the dryer without actually taking out all the clothes and folding them. Nope. No way. Not me!
This is what I have not been doing the last week. How about you? You can check out what MckMama and everyone else has not been doing here.
Aaron ALWAYS has bellybutton lint. Its weird and gross, but it is ALWAYS there!!!!!!