Thursday, October 7, 2010

Evie is 1 Month Old

Our baby girl is already 1 month old.  The time has really flown by.  In all ways, she is the perfect baby.  She is even easier than Jacob was.  She is a sleepy baby but wakes easily for feedings.  She is starting to be awake a little more and wake up on her own for feedings.  She is content and happy and loves her brothers loving touches.  


She had a perfect report from the doctor today.  Her eye infection is all cleared up.   She is now 8 pounds 10 ounces and 20 inches long.  That puts her around the 25th % percentile for weight and the 10th %tile for length.  (click here to compare  Jacob’s 1 month stats)


She is wearing newborn size diapers but will be moving to size 1 as soon as we run out of newborns.  She is wearing newborn size clothes but quickly growing into 0-3month clothes.  She has so many cute clothes, I am afraid she will never wear all of them before she grows out of them.


She is nursing 6-7 times a day.  She is sleeping 5-6 hours at night (I wake her up after 5-6 hours).  She rarely cries unless she wakes up hungry or needs to burp/spit up.  She is spitting up a lot, just like her brother did, but I think she might be refluxing.  She seems a lot more uncomfortable than Jacob was.


She is sleeping in her crib at night, swaddled up of course.  She was sleeping in our room until about 2 weeks ago and then got he boot.  She is much too noisy, grunting and squeaking.  We all get much better sleep now. 

She loves tummy time.  Loves it so much that she falls asleep almost every time.  Her favorite thing is sleeping on mommy’s chest or anyone really.  She is the most comfortable on your chest.  Maybe, just maybe she will be a snuggler!


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