I am now a whopping 8lbs 11oz!
I am 21" long!
I am in the 25th percentile for weight and height!
I am 1 month old today.
I am still wearing newborn sized clothing.
I have grown out of my premee clothes.
I am sleeping 4-6 hours at a time during the night.
I am smiling (randomly mostly, but sometimes when my mommy or daddy smiles at me)
I am waking up for feedings.
I am awake and looking around more often.
I am spitting up a lot.
I am eating 6-7 times a day.
I like being held and bounced.
I am sleeping in my crib in my own room.
I am still peeing on mommy and daddy when they change me.
I am wearing size 1 diapers and cloth diapers
I am still overall a very calm, happy and sleepy baby.
Happy Birthday little guy!! Sounds like you are living the life!! Looks like things are going quite well Callie, good for you!