Our little girl is 5 months old! Hard to believe. It is going by way to fast.
Weight: ??
Height: ??
Nursing: every 3-4 hours during the day, 5-6 times per day. She is going 9-10 hours between feedings at night. She is still spitting up, but seems to be slightly less lately. We have not started any foods yet, but likely will in the next week.
Sleeping: 9 hours at night, 3 naps during the day of 1-2 hours. She is waking 1-3 times per night. She has started to be able to put herself back to sleep but occasionally I have to get up and put her paci back in or rock her to soothe her back to sleep.
She is rolling over from front to back over the left side consistently. She likes sitting in the bumbo and in the jumperoo. She is reaching and grabbing things. She likes to hold on to her feet up in the air.
She is pretty vocal most of the time, cooing, screaming and laughing. She is smiling at anyone. She loves watching Jacob run around and laughs at him. She is becoming more and more social. She still likes to be held, especially to face out and see what’s going on.
Aw, these are good pics Callie. She is so tutie!