Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Weekly Update

How far along? 30 weeks (7 months!)

Total weight gain/loss: + 22lbs

Sleep: slept great last night. We got an air conditioner. Yeah, because it was in the 90's today which means our bedroom is probably 100 degrees. Love the air conditioner!

Best moment this week: um....Nothing stands out. I am feeling huge though!

Movement: My belly is moving around, I can see her moving!

Food cravings: ice cream, popsicles, lemonade

Gender: It's a GIRL!

Belly Button in or out? Out

What I miss: shirts that cover all my belly!

What I am looking forward to: Taking a babymoon vacation to San Diego without the little munchkin.

Baby Development: Baby could be over 3lbs now, gaining about 1/2lb per week . Her brain is growing and developing. She can even regulate her temperature now and is starting to shed the languo (the body hair) that's been keeping her warm.

Belly Pic at 30wks:

and just for kicks here is me, same day last year:

...till next week.....

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