How far along? 32 weeks (only 7 weeks to go!)
Total weight gain/loss: +25lbs
Sleep: Lately good. Falling to sleep quickly, only waking once to use the bathroom!
Best moment this week: Washing baby girl clothes and thinking about getting the rooms ready!
Movement: All the time, starting to poke out at times.
Food cravings: water, chocolate milk, ice cream, crackers and cheese
Gender: It's a GIRL!
Belly Button in or out? Out
What I miss: my energy
What I am looking forward to: Holding our little girl on September 7th, 7 more weeks!
Baby Development: She is probably about 4lbs now, gaining about 1/2lb per week and might be about 19inches long. What is she doing lately....she is practicing to thrive outside my womb which includes kicking, swallowing and sucking.
I have a few more belly pics from last week, but can't get them right now, maybe soon....
Teen Girl Bedroom Decor
4 months ago
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