It's been awhile...I have not been too lazy to write a Not Me! Monday post...
After nursing Jacob during MOPS, he is did not have a very loud burp while the speaker was talking and everyone looked at us. He then did not spit up a huge amount which did not run down both side of the burp cloth I was holding up to his chin, all over my leg and on the chair which of course then did not run into my seat. It definitely did not feel like I wet my pants and I was not hoping that no one would notice the seat of my pants all wet. Then because I already had plans for shopping, I did not continue wearing the same pants for the rest of the day hoping that the dried spit up on my seat couldn't be seen.
I did not stick my almost 4mo baby in front of the TV (with a baby Einstein DVD) to occupy him as I made cinnamon rolls. Not me! I would never let my under 2yr old baby watch TV as recommended by the American Pediatric Association. Nope.
As I picked up Jacob from his carseat, I did not put my hand on his soaking wet leg, only to find out it wasn't pee. Ew! Not me.
I did not stand my baby up against the couch to take holiday pictures of his back side. I certainly did not continue to take pictures as he fell over on to the couch.
Seriously, Callie. Your Not Me Monday posts are hi-lar-i-ous. I just laughed out loud, so hard, when I saw the pics of Jacob falling that Michael wanted to know what the heck was so funny. You're awesome. Thanks for posting this.