How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I think 4lbs.
(Finally got a new battery for our scale but now I question the accuracy of the previous weights. Will have to compare with the doctors office next appointment.)
Sleep: A little better. A few nights all the way through. Yeah! Trying to get to bed earlier and not drink as much late.
Best moment this week: Having friends comment that I am starting to show.
Movement: Tiny movements occasionally.
Food cravings: chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate!
Gender: We find out in 3 more weeks!
Belly Button in or out? In, but starting to get flatter.
What I miss: laying flat on my stomach and flat on my back. I forgot how hard it is not to be able to sleep flat.
What I am looking forward to: Feeling more movements, and of course the ultrasound in 3 weeks.
Picture at 18 weeks:
Teen Girl Bedroom Decor
4 months ago
I love this, just like your first shower invites!