Thursday, September 30, 2010

Not Much

Not much new is going on around here.  Just trying to get enough sleep and get into a new routine.

My mom has been helping me out a lot, coming over a few times a week.  Since I am not supposed to be lifting Jacob, she has been a huge help around the house and in helping me get out as well.  Thanks Mom!

Devin and I went on a date last night.  Just us, no babies (Thanks Mom and Dad for babysitting).  We went to a movie, Wall Street: Money never sleeps.  It was pretty good, but more than that it was great to get out and spend some time with my husband.

Jacob was sick last week.  I am pretty sure he had roseola.  He had a fever for 2 days and then a rash for 2 days.  The rash is now gone and he is pretty much back to his usual self.

I made it to MOPS Tuesday by myself with my babies, getting out for the first time with both babies.  Getting there and being there was great.  Getting back was another story.  Jacob missed his morning nap and was melting down as I picked him up.  Crying the whole way out to the car and having to walk the whole way as I was wearing Evie and am not supposed to pick him up.  Getting Evie into the car seat, she had a blowout.  At home, I had to get lunch for Jacob, while Evie stayed in her seat in the blowout still, and then trying to change Evie while Jacob is still melting down.  But we got through it, Jacob and Evie went down for a nap and I was able to lay down for 30 min.

Evie is still the dream baby.  She is sleeping pretty well at night.  Last night she slept a 6 hour stretch (I had my alarm set for 5 hours but then fell back asleep) and even then I woke her up to feed her.  She also sleeps during the day!  She rarely cries or fusses either.  And she is cute as a button!  It’s hard not to just sit around all day and look at her beautiful face.

We have been so blessed by our church family who has been providing us with meals for the last 2 weeks.  I think we are getting spoiled by all the great meals.  It’s been so nice not to have to worry about feeding Evie, feeding Jacob and then feeding Devin and I all at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. I'm laughing cuz I've been there. Its a juggling act isn't it? : ) Welcome to the world of having 2 kids. Love ya!
