The ultrasound last Friday showed that the placenta had moved up about 4.5cm away from the cervix (the doctor wanted it to be 2.5cm away), so that is good news and we can go forward with plans for a vaginal birth. We also took a preparing for birth class and now feel a little more prepared as far as when to go to the hospital and different positions for coping with labor.
This week our baby is weighing in around 5.5lbs (according to the ultrasound) which is about the 50th percentile. And our baby is now gaining around a 1/2lb per week now which is going to make for around an 8lb baby. (Yikes that seems big to me! I think a 7lb baby sounds better). This week our baby's brain is rapidly developing (and growing! Good thing the head is still soft!)
I am feeling the effects of the heat. Yesterday my ankles were so swollen it look like I sprained them and they are still swollen this morning. Other than that just plain 'ol hot feeling and not sleeping well. We are headed up to my grandparents house on the beach this weekend to cool off.
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