This week our baby is weighing in around 4lbs and around 19in in length. This week our baby is practicing for the real world, breathing, sucking, swallowing, and kicking. And our baby is finally no longer see through. His/her skin is now opaque just like yours and mine.
I am still doing well. I have gained a whopping 28lbs thus far. Yikes. At the doctor's appt this morning I measured 34cm which is a little big for 32 weeks which freaks me out a bit. Remember this. Everything else is well with baby and me. Not much new this week.
Teen Girl Bedroom Decor
4 months ago
Don't worry...measuring big doesn't mean you have a big baby. You could have a lot of fluid or a lot of other things. You have also gained almost 30 lbs...that could have something to do with it too. : ) Love ya!