Is it Monday already? Where does the weekend go? I guess it's time again for Not Me! Monday.
I definatly did not "share" a Ben & Jerry's Phish Food ice cream with my husband and finished off the container, mostly by myself. No way, I don't eat that much ice cream.
I do not use the excuse "The baby needs it" on a regular basis. What kind of mother would do that, not me.
I did not spend most of Saturday cutting leather to help my sister (who has to make 900 leather passport cases for the Zoo by June) instead of working on unpacking and organizing our house.
And I am not dreading my birthday this week because I am not turning 31. Not me. I am a spring chicken. 31 is so old, I am glad I am not that old.
There you have it, another Not Me! Monday. This was started by MckMama, please continue to pray for baby Stellan who is most likely having heart surgery on Tuesday.
i keep thinking i should do not me mondays too, but never seem to make it happen. we are praying for baby stellan too.